(裕樹)どうして俺なんだよ\N(千里)賛成したじゃない\N Why me?! Come on, you agreed as well, didn't you? (愛)そうそう 諦めなよオーシマ\N(綺衣)往生際が悪いよ オーシマ\N That's right. Give it up, Ooshima. You don't know when to call it quits, Ooshima. (希美)のんちゃんも\N全力で支持するのです\N I'm backing you one hundred percent! うッ…\N(朧)僕も応援しますよ 裕樹先輩\N I'm supporting you too, Yuuki-sempai. (美冬)ゆう君\N適役だと思うんだけどな\N I do think you're just the right man for the job, Yuu-kun. みいちゃんまで…\N俺は生徒会長なんて柄じゃないぞ\N Even you, Mii-chan? I'm not even the student-body-president type! そうだろ? ねえ 森下さん\N Am I? Right, Morishita-san? (未散)普通\N Just like normal. (葉月)満場一致か ゆう君って\N意外に人望あるのね\N So it's unanimous? You're surprisingly popular, Yuu-kun. 面倒なことを\N押しつけてるようにしか…\N It just looks to me as if everyone's forcing this all onto me... 部長命令よ 大島裕樹\N It's an executive order. Oojima Yuuki, 食品研究部を守るため\N生徒会長に立候補しなさい!\N you must run for president to protect the Food Research Club! (鐘が鳴る)\N ご結婚 おめでとうございます\N Congratulations on your wedding! キレイ ありがとうね\N How pretty! Thank you. 今度は私達の結婚式に来てね\N You should come see us when we get married! ・(花嫁)ええ もちろんよ\N絶対に来てね\N Yes, of course! Don't you forget it! ふふッ 2人とも恋してるのね\N You two are in love, aren't you? うん? 恋?\N In love? (花嫁)うん 2人とも もう少し\N大人になったら きっと分かるわ→\N だから いつかその恋が実ったら…\N Yes. You'll understand once you get a little older. So, when your love finally blooms... (鐘が鳴る)\N その頃の俺は\N恋が何か よく知らなかった\N Back then, I didn't really know what love was. 今は知ってるの?\N今も知らない\N Do you know now? No, I still don't. すぐ近くにあるのに?\N近くなんかないよ 俺には届かない\N Even if it was standing right next to you? It's nowhere even close. It'll never come to me. 手を伸ばせばすぐだよ ほらッ\N Just reach out your hand and it'll be there. Look! お前 何してる?\Nそれは こっちのセリフよ\N What are you doing?! I should be asking you that. えッ?\N あッ うわッ 何するんだ エッチ!\N What's wrong with you, you pervert?! それも こっちのセリフよ\N I should be the one asking that too. でも 寝言に返事すると ずっと\Nしゃべり続けるってホントなんだね\N But it's true that if you talk to someone while they're sleep-talking, they'll keep on talking with you. えッ 俺 何か言ったのか?\N言ったわよ\N Did I say something? Yes, you did. 千里のこと好きだ\N愛してる もう離さないって\N I like you, Chisato. I love you. I'll never let you go. ウソつけ\N Liar! イテテ ちょっと何すんのよ!\N What was that for?! 俺は もっと俺に ふさわしい恋を\N見つけるんだ 邪魔をするな\N I'm going to find a romance more suitable for me. Don't get in my way. 何よ それ!\N現実世界は厳しいから\N What do you mean?! Reality is harsh, せめて夢の中で\Nステキな人と出会うんだよ\N but I can at least meet the perfect person in my dreams. 起きなさいよ 日曜だからって\N部活はあるんだからね\N Quit blabbering and get up already. Just because it's Sunday doesn't mean we don't have club activities. 選挙の準備もしなきゃいけない\N部活なんか行かない\N And we have to get you ready for the election, too. I'm not going to the club meeting. はあッ?\N俺はショッケンを辞める\N I'm quitting Shokken. よって選挙にも出馬しない 以上\N Thus, I'm not running in the election either. That is all. はあッ?\N これが財務部長の\Nマニフェストですか\N So this is the Financial President's manifesto? ・(愛)食品研究部は…\N The Food Research Club... あッ 思いっきり廃部候補の\Nトップに載ってんじゃん\N They've smacked it right onto the top of their abolishment list! やっぱ オーシマが生徒会長になって\Nこの法案を阻止するしかないわね\N I guess we really do need Ooshima to become the student president so he can veto their plan. やらないって\N He says he won't. あいつ ショッケン辞めるって\Nえ~ッ!\N Says he's quitting Shokken. めんどくさそうなことは\N何でも俺に押しつけやがって\N Man, why do they push all the tiresome tasks onto me. 大体 俺なんかが…\N(奉莉)どいた どいた!\N I'll never be elected to begin with... Move it, move it! あッ オーシマ君 久しぶり\N Oh, Ooshima-kun. Long time no see. ああ 奉莉さん\Nじゃあ\N Matsuri-san... Gotta go! えッ?\N(歩夢)待って 奉莉ちゃ~ん\N Wait up, Matsuri-chan! あッ 大島君 お久しぶり\Nあッ 歩夢さん\N Ah, Oojima. It's been a while. Ayumu-san. (真央)久しぶり オーシマ\Nああ違う オオジマ よしッ\N Haven't seen you around, Ooshima...I mean, Oojima. {how to tl yoshi here?} ふうッ せっかく女の子と\N接触したってのに歩夢さん達とは\N My long awaited contact with girls happened to be with those girls... 惜しい\N What a disappointment. まあ 美少女と\Nぶつかるなんて そうそう…\N Oh well, to be bumping into beautiful girls isn't that bad... (皐月)あッ\N イッテテテ\Nあッ すみません 大丈夫…\N Ah, excuse me! Are you okay... あッ あなたは財務部長の\N Y-You're the financial president... すみません\Nホント ケガないですか?\N I'm sorry. You sure you're fine? {lit. You're really unhurt?} ええ 特に異常はないかと\Nホント すみません\N Yeah, there's nothing wrong. I'm really sorry. あなたばかりが\N謝罪するには およばないわ\N You don't have to keep apologizing. ただちに止まれない速度で\N走っていた私にも\N I couldn't stop immediately with my speed, 非がないとは言えませんから\Nそうでしょ? オオシマ君\N so I am also to blame. Don't you think, Ooshima-kun? {lit so I can't say I'm not to blame.} えッ どうして俺の名前を?\N How do you know my name? はい 落とし物\Nあッ これ\N Here, you dropped this. Ah, this... あッ そうだ\N急いで学園に届けないと\N ...Right, I have to bring this back to school as fast as possible. どうも すみません\Nまた謝った\N I do apologize.  There you go again. {lit you apologized again} えッ あッ すみません\Nいや その えっと…\N Err, uh, I'm sorry—I mean...uhh... うふふッ 何度も謝ると\N謝罪の価値が下がりますよ\N The more you repeat an apology, the more it loses its worth. 謝罪は効果的に\Nねッ オオシマ君\N Efficiency in apology. All right, Ooshima-kun? {or Apologize efficiently} あッ 分かりました\Nじゃあ これで最後にします\N I got it. Well then, this will be the last one. 本当に すみませんでした\N I'm really sorry. こちらこそ\N本当に すみませんでした\N Likewise, I'm really sorry. アハハハ…\Nうふふッ\N あの 1つだけいいですか?\N Hey, may I say one last thing? {can I have just one more moment} 何かしら?\N俺 オオシマじゃなくて\N What is it? My name's not Ooshima, but Oojima. オオジマです\Nあら それは失礼したわ\N Is that so, how rude of me. ごめんなさい\N大事なことなので もう一度\N Excuse me for that. It's big issue so I'll repeat it once more: ジマです ジマ\N it's Jima, with the ji and the ma. {man, they stretch this scene} ジマね 分かったわ\N Jima, right? I noted it. 分かっていただけて光栄です\N I'm honored that you noted it! うふふッ\N面白い人ね それじゃ\N You're quite a funny guy. See you later. エヘッ ヘヘヘ…\N 裕樹先輩が辞めるって\N一体どういうことですか\N What do you mean, "Yuuki-senpai is quitting"?! {edit} 何で引きとめなかったんですか\Nいや それはその…\N Why didn't you try to stop him? Well, that's because... 分かりました 僕が説得します\N頼むわ\N Roger that. I'll persuade him. I'll leave it to you. (呼び出し音)\N ・はい もしもし\N僕とは ただの遊びだったんですか\N Hello, who's this? Were you just toying with me? ・はあッ?\N僕の体には飽きたってことですか\N What? Have you already become tired of my body? ・何のこった?\N落ち着いて聞いてください→\N What are you talking about? Senpai, please remain calm and listen to me. 実は僕のおなかには先輩との\N愛の証しが宿ってるんです\N Actually, our proof of love is dwelling within my belly. ・お前な…\Nかわいいベイビーに会いたいと\N Oh you... {lol edit} Don't you want to meet our cute little baby, Yuuki-senpa— 思わないんですか?\N裕樹先輩… あッ\N アハッ 無理でした\Nはなから説得する気ないでしょ\N Ahah, I failed. You weren't planning to persuade him in the first place! ふうッ 全く… あッ\N Really now... えっと…\N Let's see. (衣更)それじゃ\Nよろしくお願いします\N Okay, thanks in advance. あッ 君は…\Nあッ あなたは昨日の…\N You are... Ah, you were the one from yesterday... ちょうどよかった\Nこれ 君のかな?\N Just in time. I believe this is yours? あッ そうです どこでこれを?\N昨日ぶつかったところで\N That's right! Where did you find it? I picked it up back where we bumped into each other. 拾ったんだよ\Nもしかしたらと思って\N I thought it might've been yours... ありがとうございます\Nこれ うちの鍵なんです\N Thank you very much! This is certainly my key. よかった~\N余計な出費しないですみます\N Thank God! Now I don't have to pay for extra expenses. それはよかった\N急いで届けにきた甲斐があったよ\N That's great. It was worth returning it as fast as possible. 日曜日なのに\N来てくださったんですか?\N You came just for this, even though it's Sunday? えッ ああ いや\Nクラブがあるから そのついでで\N Ah, not really. I've got club activities too, so I might as well... {edit/TLC} <今朝 辞めるって\N言っちゃいましたが>\N (Although I said I'd quit this morning) どちらのクラブなんですか?\N食品研究部っていって\N Which club are you in? It's called the Food Research Club お菓子を食べてるだけのクラブだよ\Nわあ 楽しそうですね\N a club where we basically eat sweets all the time. That sounds like fun. 君も これからクラブ?\Nああ いえ\N Are you on your way to your club too? 私は その 経済特待生なので\N Unfortunately not...as I'm a financial-aid student... <あッ やべッ ケートク生は\N校則で部活に入れないんだっけか>\N (Ah, that's right. By the school rules, Keitoku students are not allowed to join clubs...) 今日も工場で仕事でして… あッ\N And I have work to do at the factory today as well. いけない あの\Nお礼は今度改めて伺いますので\N Oh no! You'll have my expression of gratitude some other time そんなの気にしなくていいから\Nそれより急いで\N You don't have to worry about that... Instead, you should hurry up! はい それじゃ\N Okay, I'm going! あの よかったら お名前を\N教えていただけませんか?\N If you don't mind, could you please tell me your name? 2年の大島裕樹\N(衣更)大島先輩ですね\N Oojima Yuuki, second-years. Oojima-senpai, is it? 私は1年の青海衣更といいます\Nそれじゃ\N I'm Aomi Isara, first-years. Bye now! は~ッ 衣更ちゃんか~\N Isara-chan, huh... ゆうちゃんがショッケンを辞めるなんて\Nそんなのあんまりなのです\N To think that Yuu-chan will quit Shokken...That's too much for me! のんちゃん もしかして…\Nオーシマのこと…\N Non-chan, do you perhaps think of Ooshima like that...? {somehow I want to keep the word like out of it} ゆうちゃんがいないと\N死んでしまうのです\N I'll die without Yuu-chan... そんなに?\N To that extent?! 一緒に撮った写真を\N壁紙にしてるくらいなのです\N To the point where I'd make a wallpaper out of this picture we shot together. ・(愛)見せて 見せて\N Show me, show me! うんッ これって… 大島ロール?\N Wait...this is...an Oojima Roll? 辞めてしまったら\Nゆうちゃん お手製のお菓子\N If he quits...what will happen to Yuu-chan's handmade sweets 大島ロールは\Nどうなるのですか~!\N like his Oojima Roll?! うわ~ん\N帰ってきて 大島ロール!\N Please come back, Oojima Roll! 今日は よく\N美少女と出くわすな\N I'm encountering quite a lot of beautiful girls today... 俺にも とうとう巡ってきたか\N出会いの季節ってやつが\N Has the season of encounters finally turned for the better for me? {come to me , TLC?} うわッ\N おッ きたか\N It really came?! {or something in that sense} ぶつかって すみません\Nおケガは ありませんか\N I'm sorry for running into you. Are you all right...?! イテテテ…\N何者だ? 総務部か\N Ow ow ow! {omit?} Who are you? From the General Affairs? それとも財務部か 答えろ!\N何のことだ?\N Or perhaps from the Financial Affairs? Answer me! What are you talking about?! 進学科2年 オオシマユウキ\N Ooshima Yuuki, Second Year at College. 食品研究部員\Nオオシマじゃない オオジマだ\N Member of the Food Research Club. It's not Ooshima, it's Oojima! アイテテテ…\Nおとなしくしろ\N Stay still! (夜雲)放してあげてください\Nしかし会長…\N You two, release him at once. But prez... えッ 会長?\N Eh, president?                \N (夜雲)放してあげてください\Nですが…\N Never mind that, release him at once. But... 任期も あとわずかという私を\N どうにかしようという\Nやからも いないでしょう\N There shouldn't be anyone who would do something to me, with my position ending quite soon. {lit term of office} (SP)分かりました\Nああ…\N Understood. うん? おおッ\N ・(夜雲)手荒なマネをして\N申し訳ありません\N My apologies for such a rough behavior. 仕事の関係上 色々な可能性に\N対処しなければなりませんので\N We just have to deal with various cases related to my work. 乱暴な可能性もあったもんですね\Nやっぱ 俺には無理だな~\N So violent cases have happened before, I presume. I wouldn't live up to that stuff... {lit. it's impossible for me} おや 会長選に\N出馬なさるのですか?\N Oh? Are you going to run for the election? えッ ああ いや\N周りが出ろって言ってるだけで\N Ah, no. Other just keep pestering me to go for it. 食品研究部を\N廃部から守るためですか?\N To protect the Food Research Club from being disbanded? どうしてそれを?\N How do you know? 東雲候補のマニフェストに\Nオオシマ君の…\N Candidate Shinonome's manifesto says that Ooshima-kun's... 失礼 オオジマ君の食品研究部が\N廃部候補として載っていたので\N ...Pardon me, Oojima-kun's Food Research Club is listed as candidate for disbanding. もしかしたらと\Nおっしゃるとおりで\N So perhaps that'd be the reason. It's just as you said. 出馬されないのですか?\N無理ですよ\N You won't run for the election? It's impossible for me. 俺なんかが当選するわけが…\Nしかし それでは廃部ですよね\N There's no way I'll be elected— But then, your club will be disbanded. それもいいと思いますよ\Nそんな 人ごとだと思って…\N Although it might be a good thing... How dare you, telling me off like that...! {liberal} 違います 私がいいと言ったのは\N That's not what I meant. I said it'd be a good thing... 大島君 あなたが\N会長選に出馬することですよ\N ...if you, Oojima-kun, were to run in the election for president. 信じた候補に投票する\N信じる候補がいなければ\N Vote for the candidate you trust. If there's no such candidate, 自分が候補になる\N極めて当然の選択です\N become one yourself. An extremely wise decision. でも…\N今年は\N But..! 我々 治安部が\N出馬を自粛しているので\N This year, the Security Division will refrain from running in the election, 有力候補は2人しかいません\Nこれはチャンスだと思いませんか\N so there are only two potential candidates. Don't you think this is the best chance? 私は応援しますよ では\N I will heartly support you. Well now... 全く 裕樹のヤツ 部長の私に\N逆らうなんて どういうつもり?\N Jeez, going against the president, a.k.a. me...I wonder what's that Yuuki up to? ここは何とか\N千里にヨリを戻してもらって\N In order to have Chisato get back to her senses {TLC} ゆう君に\N帰ってきてもらうのが一番だと\N I believe it's for the best if we can get Yuu-kun to come back. 何で別れ話になってるのよ\N Why are you talking as if we've broken up? {TLC} うん? どうしたの未散?\N Hm? What's wrong, Michiru? チョコレート味 嫌い?\Nちょっと食べれなくて…\N Do you dislike chocolate? {lit. the taste of chocolate} I just can't eat it... よかったら未散 食べて\N You can it it if you want to. 青\Nうん? 青?\N Blue. Hm? Blue? ブルーベリー味がいいの?\Nこれでいい\N You like blueberries? {lit. the taste of blueberries} I'm fine with these. うん?\N何か別の方法を考えないとね\N We have to think of other solutions... ねえねえ 廃部にならないように\N今から実績をつくるのはどう?\N Hey hey, how about we produce actual results, so that we won't be disbanded? (朧)実績なんて\Nそう簡単につくれるものじゃ…\N It's not that easy to produce such results... ・(希美)作りました\Nちゃ~らっちゃら~\N I produced it! {mix this with the producing verb} The Reverse Rotation Protection Mechanism Equipped With An Extra Long Type Hyper Tornado And Aerodynamic Impact Mixer (希美)略して\N(朧)ねろねろマシーンですか\N In short: The Knead Knead machine? はい バージョン6です\N Indeed. It's currently at version 6. それって実績になりますかね?\N・(希美)さらにパワーアップしました\N Would that count as an actual result? And not to mention it has powered up! ・~ね~って ね~って\N Knead it, Knead it, ・~ねりたおっしって~ イエイ!\N knead it right down...Yay! ザラザラ感の全くない パーフェクトな\N「ねろねろねろね」が完成するはず\N It should perform perfect kneading, leaving no traces of grain behind! これは 全ねろラーの夢なのです!\Nドリームなのです!\N This is the fantasy for anything that can be kneaded. Their dream! {TLC} このすばらしさを見れば\N財務部長も腰を抜かして→\N When they see the excellence of this, even the Financial President can't stand on her legs anymore, 廃部を撤回すること\Nこの上なしです→\N and has no other choice but to revoke the disbanding! では早速 作業開始なのです\N Well then, let's start our production right away! (朧)ちょっと それ入れすぎじゃ…\N Non-chan, you're adding way too much... それでは スイッチオン\N Now then...On goes the switch! ・(朧)あッ 押しちゃった…\N Ah...She pressed it...{maybe liberal: I'm too late...} ひ~っひっひっひっひっひ…\N 出馬しなければ廃部か\Nでも勝てなきゃな…\N If I don't run for the election, the club will be disbanded... But if I do... I will have to win... うん? あれは…\N Isn't that... はあ~ッ\Nどうしたんですか?\N What's the matter? あら またお会いしましたね\Nペコジマ君\N Ah, we meet again, Pekojima-kun {pekori: actively bowing to apologize. This is how she remembers him at first. Alternatively "Bowjima"} ガハッ ペコジマって…\N僕はオオジマです\N Pekojima/Bowjima...The name's Oojima. あなたが重要視しているのは\Nジマの2文字のようなので\N You were really obsessed with those 2 syllables, the ji and the ma, 他は適当でもいいのかと\Nよくないですよ\N So I thought you couldn't care less about the rest. That's no good! それにペコって何ですか\Nずっとペコペコしてたので\N And what's with the Peko anyway. You were bowing frantically all the time, 似合うのではないかと\Nダメかしら?\N So I thought it was quite fitting for you. How about it? {lit Is it no good?} ダメです それより\Nどうしたんですか?\N Still no good. That aside, what's wrong? チェーンが外れてしまって…\N困ったわ\N The chain got loose, so I'm in trouble. 今日もやることが山積みなのに\Nちょっといいですか?\N My work for today is piling up as we speak. {lit. I have piles of work to do today...} Can I have a look at it? うん これなら何とか…\N Maybe if do this... (チェーンをつけている)\N よし\N わ~ッ\Nはい 直りましたよ\N All right, I fixed it. 真っ黒になってしまったわ\Nああ\N Your hands turned all black. これで拭いて\Nハンカチについたら取れなくなるから\N Please wipe it with this. But if you wipe it on a handkerchief, it won't come off. 使って\Nありがとうございます\N Use it. Ah, thank you. お礼を言うのは私の方だわ\Nありがとう 直してくれて\N I should be the one thanking you. Thanks for fixing it up. そう 食品研究部から立候補を\N I see. You'll be announcing candidacy from the Food Research Club. ムチャクチャっていうか\N何ていうか…\N It all seems like some crazy idea to me. (tlc? liberized this part a bit) ムチャとは思わないわ\Nやるだけの価値はあると\N I don't think of it as crazy. It's worth the try. 東雲さんまで…\Nあの 1つ聞いていいですか?\N Even you're saying that... Umm, may I ask one this? 何かしら?\Nどうして東雲さんは\N What would it be? Why do you let the Food Research Club be disbanded? {edit} ショッケンを廃部にしようと?\N 仲のいい人が集まり\N A group of friends... カフェテリアで お菓子を食べ\Nお茶をする\N ...Eating sweets and drinking tea at the cafetaria... 食品研究部がやってることは\Nこれと何が違うのですか?\N ...In what way is this different from the Food Research Club? それの一体どこに部活動としての\N要素があるんですか?\N Are there any elements that will define these as club activities? とても 部として\N成立しているとは思えない\N I don't believe it has any right to be called a club. {lib} それが廃部候補に挙げた理由です\N何か間違ってるかしら?\N That's the reason why it's candidate for disbanding. Am I mistaken? いや 別に間違ってはいませんが…\N No...You're not particularly wrong in that matter, but... 随分とあっさりしているのね 所詮\Nその程度の思い入れしかないと\N You're being quite simple-minded. After all, with just pondering about it to that degree... {TLC} そんなことないです 俺はもちろん\N That's not true! I obviously love the Food Research Club, 部員も みんなショッケンが好きで\N何とか守りたくて\N just like the rest of us, so we want to protect it somehow. だから…\Nだから?\N That's why... That's why...? だから 座して死を待つくらいなら\N選挙で戦おうって話になって\N That's why...We'd rather fight in the election, than to sit and wait for the end... それで 出馬はされるのですか?\N And so...You will be running in the election? いや 所詮ただのヤケクソで\N勝ち目なんてないですし…\N Nah...We were just fired up in the moment...and I don't see a chance of winning... では1つ クエスチョン\Nうん?\N Well then, a question for you. ダービーに勝つ馬って\Nどんな馬かしら?\N The horse that will win the derby...which one will it be? それは 一番強い馬が\N勝つんじゃないですか\N Wouldn't that be the strongest horse? 間違いではないけれど\N私が用意した答えとは違うわ\N That's not the wrong answer, but it's not the answer I had in mind. 一体どんな?\Nそれは\N Then, which one? ダービーに出た馬が勝つのよ\N It'll be the one that participates in the derby. それって当たり前のことじゃ…\Nダービーに出なかった馬は\N It's that most obvious? 絶対に勝てないと思うのだけれど\Nあッ…\N But I believe that horses that do not participate will never win. これは選挙も同じ\N立候補しない人が当選することは\N The same goes for elections. People who do not announce candidacy 100パーセントないということよ\N have no chance of being elected. それと もう1つ 勝ち目がないと\N分かっていながらも\ And one more thing. Even when you know the odds are against you, 戦いに挑む その姿勢\N私は嫌いじゃないわ\N having such a will to fight is something admirable. {TLC please} 東雲さん…\N Shinonome-san... そろそろ行かないと それじゃ\N I have to go soon, so I'll see you later. 忙しいのに\N話聞いてもらってすいません…\N I'm sorry to have you listen to my story while you're so busy... {lit} じゃない ありがとうございました\Nふふッ\N I mean...Thank you! ペコジマ君と呼ぶ用意をしていた\Nけれど 言いそびれたわ\N I had just wanted to called you Pekojima...But I'll take that back now. <勝つのはダービーに出た馬\N出なかった馬は絶対に勝てない>\N The winner is the horse that shows up in the derby. The horses that don't show up will never win. えッ?\Nあッ オージマ 来た\N Oh, Oojima has come. うん? わおッ 大島ロールが\Nウエルカムバックなのです\N Woohoo, welcome back to the Oojima Roll! よかった 千里と別れなくて\N I'm so glad, you didn't break up with Chisato. おなかの子供が\N心配になったんですね→\N You became worried about the babies in my belly, no? Isn't that great お帰り パパ!\N Welcome back, Papa! あの 状況が\N全く読めないんですけど\N Urm, I have no idea what just happened here. あんたが来ないせいで\N「ねろねろねろね」まみれよ\N Everything is covered in knead powder because you weren't here. {is knead powder OK, TLC?} えッ 俺のせい?\N Eh? It's my fault? あれからずっと\N俺なりに考え続けた\N Since then, I've been thinking for myself. 結果 俺は\Nショッケンのために戦うと決めた\N To conclude, I decided to fight for the Food Research Club. お~ッ\Nただし\N However! 戦う以上は本気で勝つために\Nやりたい いつもの軽いノリで\N More than fighting, I seriously want to make this happen. 面倒なことは俺にやらせればって\Nやり方は反対だ\N Therefore I'm against the nonchalant attutude of letting me do all the troublesome matters. じゃあ どうするのよ?\N部内選挙はどうだろう\N Well then, what do you suppose we'll do? How about do an election within the club? 部内選挙?\Nうん\N Inside club election? 誰が一番\N生徒会長選で勝つ可能性が高いか\N Let's discuss together and vote on the one みんなで考えて投票するんだ\Nなるほど 悪くない方法ね\N who has most chance of becoming the student body president. I see. That's quite a nice method. 私は賛成よ\Nホントか?\N I'm in for this. Really? ええ 公平で分かりやすいし\N理に かなってるわ\N Yep. It sounds fair and square, and it makes sense. みんなは どう?\N賛成!\N How about you guys? Agreed! 賛成\N Agreed. う~ん\Nえ~っと\N いざ投票ってなると\N迷うわね~\N When it comes to actual voting... You get quite puzzled. みんな 記入する前に\N少し俺の話を聞いてほしい\N Everyone, I'd like you to listen to me for a bit before you hand in the votes. 思えば このショッケンは\N随分いい加減なクラブだった\N If you think about this, this Food Research Club was quite an irresponsible club. 部費で お菓子を食べて\Nおしゃべりするだけ\N Mainly just chatting and eating sweets on club budget. 外からは無気力で\N自堕落で 何も生み出さない\N It sounded as lethargic and depraved...unable to produce results. 本当にデタラメな集団に\N見えていたと思う\N I believe it was seen as a really nonsensical group. 廃部のリストに載るのも\N当然といえば当然かもしれない\N It might have been more than logical that it'd be put on the list for disbanding. でも このショッケンが\Nあったからこそ\N But, it's due to the Food Research Club, 俺は ここにいるみんなと\N巡り会えた\N that I've stumbled across you all at this place. ここに来れば みんながいて\N笑ったりケンカしたり\N Whenever I come here, everyone's around, laughing or quarreling. ホントに楽しい時間がすごせた\N何と言われようと\N And I'd have a wonderful time. No matter what the other say, 俺にとって ここは大事な\N場所なんだ 絶対に失いたくない\N This is an imporant place to me. I definitely do not want to lose it. みんなにも\N本気で考えてもらいたい\N That's why I want everyone to think about this seriously. 誰に託せば一番可能性があるか\N Who to entrust with the highest chance of being elected? 誰を選べば みんなで\N一致団結して頑張れるのか\N Who to choose, as to form solidarity with everyone so we can work together? ジッ\Nえッ 何よ?\N ...What? えッ?\Nひとつ リーダーシップがあること\N One, who has the power to lead. ひとつ 度胸があること\N One, who has the courage. ひとつ 決めるときは決める\N決定力があること\N One, who has the power to decide when something has to be decided. ひとつ 誰からも好かれ\N皆が応援したくなること\N One, who is loved by everyone, and therefore will be supported by those. {lit. everyone will want to support him/her} もちろん ルックスだって大事だ\N Of course, looks are of importance as well. みんな 本気で選挙に\N勝てると思う人に投票してくれ\N Everyone, please vote sincerely on the person you think will win the election. よろしく頼む\N I'm counting on you all. <ふッ まッ 決まりだな>\N Although I already know the result. {It's already decided} (葉月)ふ~ん なるほどなるほど→\N I see, I see. ということで 当選人は\N That means the selected candidate... 大島裕樹に決定!\Nバンザーイ!\N will be Oojima Yuuki! Hurrah! {or leave it as banzai} (未散)バンザイ\Nあの\N 事態が全く\N飲み込めないんですけど\N I totally do not understand how this could've happened... 俺の演説\Nみんな聞いてなかったのか?\N Did one of you actually listen to my speech?! どうみたって今のは\N千里が当選する流れだろ\N No matter how you look at it, wouldn't you all vote on Chisato now?! なんれ?\Nいや~ まさかオーシマの演説に\N Why so? I didn't think a day would come where I'd be touched by a speech from Ooshima. Ooshima's speech was really great. 心打たれる日が来るなんて\Nよかったよ オーシマの演説\N ゆう君に任せて\N大丈夫だと思ったわ\N I thought it was okay to leave everything to Yuu-kun. のんちゃんも\N太鼓判の演説なのです\N I also put a seal of approval on this speech! かっこよすぎて いきそうでした\N You were so cool, I was about to come. {yes, like cum} あれッ?\N・(未散)オージマ\N Huh...? Oojima. はい? Yeah? \N頑張れ\N Good luck. 墓穴を掘ったか…\N I dug my own grave... 公正なる選挙の結果を\N厳粛に受け止めなさい\N Please accept the result of this justified election with dignity. はい…\N I accept... それじゃ またね\N・(美冬)うん また明日\N Well then, see you later. All right, see you tomorrow. だから 最初っから私の\N言うとおりしてればよかったのよ\N That's why you should've just heeded my words from the start. それじゃ納得いかないんだよ\N文句言わないの\N I wouldn't be consent with just that. Don't complain. あんたは私の所有物なんだから\N You're my property in any case. あのな 千里\N俺は お前の所有物なんかじゃ…\N You see, Chisato, I'm totally not your property... あッ…\Nねえ\N 1つ いいかな?\N Can I have one? おいしい?\Nああ\N Is it nice? Yeah. よかった\N I'm glad. ・~\N (朧)羊羹の「よう」は\N羊と書くじゃないですか\N I remember you write "sweet bean jelly" with the kanji of sheep... ああ 確かにな\N(朧)あれは その昔 羊の料理を→\N Ah, that's right. 小豆を使ってマネて\N作ろうとしたって話ですよね\N That's about story from a long time ago, where they tried to substitute animal gelatin with azuki beans, right? {a bit liberized, but more true to what happened in the past} ビーフシチューをマネようとして\N肉じゃがができたようなものだな\N Just like Nikujaga came to existed after they tried to imitate the creation of beef stew, no? (朧)肉じゃがは理解できますが\N羊羹のもとになった羊料理って→\N I understand the logics behind the rise of Nikujaga, but to think sweet bean jelly originated from a sheep dish... 何でしょう?\Nえッ? それは えっと…\N What dish would it be? Uh...That'd be... (朧)次回 第3話「戦略」\N Next Episode Episode 3 "Tactics" 「かん」が つくから…\Nジンギスカン?\N If you'd put "kan" after it...Perhaps "Jingisukan"? {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jingisukan} {Genghis Khan is a great man...and delicious food.} ====SIGNS==== title at 02:30 出馬 Running for the Election! the laptop screen at 04:18 財務部公認候補 財務部長東雲皐月 Financial Devision's Official Candidate Financial President Shinonome Satsuki ==> the next screen いよいよ会長選!今こそ改革のとき Finally, the election for presidency! Now is the time for reformation! 財務部マニフェスト The Financial Division's Manifesto 財政構造転換 特定の財源からの脱却 経済特待生制度の改革 奨学金制度への転換 クラブ活動に関する問題点と改革 Transformation of the financial structure. Getting rid of the certain fundings. Reformation of the financial scholarship system Transformation of the scholarship program Reformation and issues regarding club activities the list of clubs appointed for disbanding at 04:26 List of Candidates for Disbanding (of October 5th) Group Name Reason Food Research Club An ambigious club "Research and analysis on many kinds of food". It goes without saying that the purpose of their club activities, are equally as ambigious. We are unable to see any concrete club activities.Of course, as it has no actual results, it's raison d'être is not recognized. Air Mountaineering Club Details about club activities are totally unknown. It is also unknown how the club budget is spent. There are many problems, mostly that it looks as if it's borrowed for personal purposes, which are totally unrelated to club activities. There has been no response for the last 6 months, about the repeated submissions of required specifications. student ID at 6:00 Takafuji High School Student ID This is proof that the following person is a student at our institute. {you know the message} School Year: Second Year Name: Oojima Yuuki Name of School: Private Takafuji High School sign at 6:44 Bicycles allowed {minor sign} sign at 07:52 Lost and Found Center the fricking long name is that invention of Non-chan at 13:10 The Reverse Rotation Protection Mechanism Equipped With An Extra Long Type Hyper Tornado And Aerodynamic Impact Mixer the box at 12:23 Edible Animals sign at 17:39 Food Research Club {obviously} sign at 19:31 Yaoi {obv from a yaoi bar} the white board at 20:38 Sumiyoshi Chisato 1 Oojima Yuuki 6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tally_marks sign at 23:52 Next Episode Preview sign next to Michiru at 23:53 Election